Nextcloud Actualités

Que se passe-t-il au sujet de Nextcloud ?

Enregistrements des webinaires

Nextcloud Hub performance and scalability – speedier files and smoother scaling

This is webinar recording on Nextcloud performance and saclability!

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Rationaliser la collaboration avec Nextcloud

Les gouvernements se détournent des fournisseurs de cloud étrangers en raison des préoccupations croissantes concernant la souveraineté numérique. Dans ce paysage en pleine évolution, Nextcloud s'est imposé comme la principale solution de cloud privé auto-hébergée pour les organisations gouvernementales et les services publics.

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Secure your file exchange with Nextcloud

Join us in this webinar about Nextcloud files and security!

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Webinar: Overview of Nextcloud Hub 5, the self-hosted AI-powered digital workspace

Nextcloud Hub 5, the self-hosted AI-powered digital workspace

In this session, we will explore Nextcloud Hub 5, enabling organizations to take control of their data and leverage the power of artificial intelligence to enhance collaboration, streamline workflows, and drive productivity.

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Comment débuter avec Nextcloud

Vous êtes prêt à vous lancer dans l’aventure Nextcloud Hub mais vous ne savez pas par où commencer et vous avez besoin de conseils. Regardez l’enregistrement de ce webinaire. Il vous fournira les informations nécessaires qui vous aideront à débuter facilement. Nos intervenants vous y présentent les étapes clés et vous donnent les informations nécessaires […]

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How to implement Digital Sovereignty with Nextcloud

In this webinar recording the city of Cologne will provide insights into Nextcloud's role in promoting digital sovereignty and its potential to transform workplace architecture.

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Nextcloud for Education sector

About this webinar recording If you’re looking to enhance your educational experience, the webinar on Nextcloud for Education is a must-watch. Nextcloud offers a powerful and secure platform that enables seamless collaboration, file sharing, and communication among educators, students, and administrators. By attending this webinar, you’ll gain valuable insights into how Nextcloud can revolutionize your […]

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Nextcloud as a secure on-premises solution for storing sensitive information

Sensitive data refers to confidential information that must be safeguarded and inaccessible to unauthorized individuals. In light of this, Nextcloud provides an on-premises solution that empowers customers to take charge of their data in a literal and direct manner. Instead of floating somewhere in the cloud, your data resides in your data center, on a […]

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