Nextcloud Forms is here to keep your surveys private

Post date

July 28, 2020


Jos Poortvliet

Did you know a third of people who abandon a survey form do so because they worry about privacy and security? We understand, pretty much all those forms are hosted at Google or other, data-vacuuming services. Well, we have good news to you surveyors! We just made Nextcloud Forms available for installation. With Nextcloud Forms, you can create as many forms, with as many questions, and shared with as many people as you like – without any limitations. You keep your form and the data you collect on Nextcloud. And you can easily analyze and share the results with our pretty and insightful graphs.

Forms and surveys

Similar to Google Forms, this app makes it easy to create surveys for anything from market research or customer feedback to planning an office party. And with Nextcloud Forms, data remains secure on the Nextcloud server and the privacy of respondents is respected.

The Forms app lets you choose from a range of question types such as checkboxes, multiple choice, dropdowns, short answer and long text. That should cover most use cases, but we are already working on more question types!

You can share Forms via link to anyone, or even directly to specific users on your Nextcloud server or to the whole Nextcloud instance. For improved security it is possible to set an expiration date. There is no limitation on the amount of forms or questions you can create nor the links you can share or the number of people who can reply. Also important: Forms is responsive and will look good on any device or screen!

Responses are visualized either as summary statistics with charts which make it easy to analyze the results. You can also see the individual responses if you need to dig deeper or have a small number of respondents. The export format is compatible with the format used by Google Forms to work with any tool or workflow designed for integration with that.

You can now add the Forms 2.0 app to Nextcloud with just one click and get surveying!

We ourselves have already used the Forms app for user surveys and application forms and we believe there is a bright future ahead. Let us know what you think and get involved to make Forms even better!

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