Global Scale

Extreme scalability at commodity cost

Nextcloud Global Scale delivers a true globally scalable solution for deployments with hundreds of millions of users, giving unprecedented control over the locality of data and delivering dramatic cost reduction

Global Scale has been in production since 2017 in a commercial setup for tens of millions of users across 4 continents. Several other customers have deployed or began experimenting with Global Scale in the last years.

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Go orders of magnitude further

It is hard to scale typical on-premises file sync & share architectures over a hundred thousand users. The shared components like storage, database and load balancers become expensive bottlenecks.
Nextcloud Global Scale is designed to scale to hundreds of millions of users.

Transform your cost structure

At the petabyte scale, storage costs skyrocket. Database licensing costs increase exponentially at the top end and caching and hardware load balancers baloon the Total Cost of Ownership of large private cloud deployments.

Nextcloud Global Scale enables deployment on commodity hardware and software, dramatically decreasing costs for large systems.

Finetune your business

Legal, business, security and performance considerations dictate that data can be precisely positioned. Creating multiple independent instances to achieve low latency or keep data in a specific jurisdiction increases management costs, complexity and security risks.

Nextcloud Global Scale distributes data over multiple data centers while acting as a unified instance to users and administrators.

The next generation

Nextcloud Global Scale was designed to lift enterprise collaboration to a new level, overcoming limitations in building large scale file storage, sync & share solutions. It delivers significant cost savings and increased flexibility.
Improve productivity and communication while cutting operational expenses with the most scalable content collaboration platform.

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How it works

Nextcloud Global Scale works by decentralizing data to independent nodes and introducing three new components to manage the interaction between servers.


We split users and their data over independent nodes, each of which runs on affordable, commodity hardware. Each would typically consist of a tuple of at least two machines which run Nextcloud with local storage, database and cache. They use central remote logging and authentication and can be managed easily through a technology like docker.

Global Site Selector

The Global Site Selector redirects users to the right node at first login, whether the access is through Web, WebDAV or REST. It authenticates users through a central user directory, looks up their node and redirects them. The user saves the redirect locally to bypass the GSS in daily operation.

Lookup Server

The Lookup Server stores the physical location of users and mediates sharing of data. It provides the user location, tracks Federated Sharing IDs and stores user metadata like QoS metrics.


The Balancer is responsible for monitoring the various nodes and their storage, cpu, ram and network utilization. It can mark nodes as online or offline and initiate the migration of user accounts to different nodes based on data in the Lookup Server like business or legal requirements, QoS settings or user location.

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Achieve a new level in scalability, flexibility and cost efficiency. Contact sales today!

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