In-depth knowledge

Whitepapers, case studies, data sheets and
industry analyses give a deep insight in what
Nextcloud has to offer.

Case studies

The Nextcloud case studies focus on the real-world benefits of Nextcloud deployments for our customers.
By downloading a white paper or case study, you agree with our privacy policy

Archdiocese of Cologne
Archdiocese of Cologne: More than 4,400 users collaborate on Nextcloud Hub

Learn how the Archdiocese of Cologne, Germany enables collaboration for more than 4,400 users with Nextcloud Hub

Sorbonne University implements on-premise solution with Nextcloud

Learn how the University was able to achieve digital sovereignty over their data and user accounts.

Nextcloud Hub improves convenience for Meiji University
Nextcloud Hub improves convenience for Meiji University

Learn more about the selection and implementation of Nextcloud Hub at Meiji University in this full case study.

ZGT Dutch hospital deploys Nextcloud
ZGT Dutch hospital deploys Nextcloud

Dutch hospital ZGT achieves digital sovereignty with Nextcloud.

Sunet Drive for researchers in Sweden
Sunet Drive for researchers in Sweden

Safespring developed Sunet Drive brings compliant collaboration to universities in Sweden.

Ville de Genève deploys Nextcloud
Ville de Genève deploys Nextcloud

Find out how the city of Genève aims to protect their Digital Sovereignty.

Stadtsparkasse Munich Switches to Local Cloud
Stadtsparkasse Munich Switches to Local Cloud

Nextcloud partner HNK has provided this Munich city bank with a secure, compliant collaboration platform.

North-West University Study
North-West University Study

The North-West University of South Africa improves user storage mobility, collaboration and productivity with Nextcloud and Collabora Online.

TU Berlin Migration
TU Berlin Migration

The TU Berlin successfully migrated 30.000 users to Nextcloud, achieving near 50% lower database load and feature benefits. Find out what their setup looks like today.

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Case Study
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Case Study

Keeping data secure for a globally distributed organization working with politically sensitive data.

Project management company DEGES
Project management company DEGES

Nextcloud provides project management organization DEGES a content collaboration platform to efficiently manage over € 22 billion in construction projects in Germany.

German Radio and TV
German Radio and TV

IVZ, Germany’s public radio and television deploys Nextcloud with ONLYOFFICE for efficient file exchange and online content collaboration.

Nextcloud for 33K middle school students in France
Nextcloud for 33K middle school students in France

SIB offers digital services that supports over 500 healthcare structures and public entities in France. Learn about their deployment of Nextcloud and Collabora Online in middle schools.

15K teachers in Luxembourg use Nextcloud
15K teachers in Luxembourg use Nextcloud

Nextcloud partner HNK has delivered a super fast Nextcloud setup to protect student and teacher data in Luxembourg, working for the Centre de gestion informatique de éducation.


The Nextcloud whitepapers give a deep-dive in Nextcloud technology, security and scalability.
Note: unless you opt in to the newsletter, we do not store your email address, we just email you the link to the whitepaper.

Nextcloud audit by Swiss Kyos
Nextcloud audit by Swiss Kyos

The second largest city in Switzerland, Geneva, contracted Swiss IT Security firm Kyos to audit the Nextcloud code base they use. Get the results.

Bareos Backup Whitepaper
Bareos Backup Whitepaper

How to backup Nextcloud efficiently and safely using the open source Bareos backup tool. Case study by Bareos.

HackerOne Case study
HackerOne Case study

Why Nextcloud puts Hacker-powered security front and center. A case study by HackerOne.

Global Scale whitepaper
Global Scale

Global Scale delivers aglobally scalable solution for deployments with hundreds of millions of users, control over data locality and significant cost reductions.

NCC Group review
NCC Group review

We had the security experts from the independent NCC Group review our security processes and capabilities. Read their full report!

End-to-end Encryption
End-to-end Encryption

With the announcement of the Nextcloud end-to-end encryption techpreview, we’d like to invite you to scrutinize our source code and cryptographic approach in this whitepaper.

End-to-end Encryption
Cryptage de bout en bout

Avec la présentation de la technologie de cryptage de bout en bout Nextcloud, nous vous invitons à examiner notre code source et notre approche cryptographique dans ce livre blanc.

Server-side Encryption
Server-side Encryption

Nextcloud features server-side encryption to encrypt data at rest. It is particularly powerful when used with external storage as it ensures keys never leave the Nextcloud server.

Security and authentication

The Nextcloud security white paper gives an overview of the security features and processes designed to keep data in Nextcloud confidential.

Architecture Overview
Architecture Overview

Get an overview of the Nextcloud architecture and capabilities like user management, external storage and more.

Data sheets and industry analysis

The experts at Nextcloud keep a close watch on the needs of enterprises and local or central government organisations. Our data sheets showcase the capabilities and benefits of Nextcloud while our Industry Analysis documents our insights in various industries.

Nextcloud Outlook Add-in
Nextcloud Outlook Add-in

Microsoft Outlook is a standard in most offices and Nextcloud offers integration through our add-in, making sharing large files easier & more secure and tracking downloads or uploads by recipients.

SharePoint Integration
SharePoint Integration

Nextcloud supports a wide range of External Storage solutions, enabling enterprises to keep their data where it is while making it seamlessly available through Nextcloud. SharePoint is one such integration available.

Windows Network Drive
Windows Network Drive

Nextcloud supports a wide range of External Storage solutions, enabling enterprises to keep their data where it is while making it seamlessly available through Nextcloud. Windows Network Drive is one such integration available.

User management with LDAP
User management with LDAP

Nextcloud features integration with external user directories like LDAP/Active Directory or others as well as built-in account management, two-factor authentication and Single-sign-on support.

Workflows and Access Control
Workflows and Access Control

Nextcloud features a powerful File Access Control feature to ensure only authorized file access. Our Workflow and data retention capabilites help optimize processes in the enterprise.

Monitoring and Auditing
Monitoring and Auditing

Monitoring is crucial to keep servers running smoothly. Nextcloud also features powerful activity tracking and compliance-ready auditing capabilities.

GDPR Overview
GDPR Overview

Our GDPR Overview document offers a basic 12 step process to GDPR compliance, as part of our GDPR Compliance Kit. Customers can download the complementing GDPR Admin Manual on our customer portal.

Privacy Shield and GDPR analysis
Privacy Shield and GDPR analysis

With Privacy Shield struck down by the highest EU court, GDPR risks have increased massively for all manners of organizations. On-premises hosting is one of the easiest way to avoid legal risks.

Health care analysis
Health care analysis

The Health care market poses a special challenge to IT, requiring immediate availability of life-saving data while securing Protected Health Information. Nextcloud is an uniquely fitting solution.

Videos and talks

At our events customers sometimes talk about their usage of Nextcloud.

Interviews and blogs

We regularly cover customer interviews and case studies on our blog.

  • posted in
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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Mikaela Schneider

Sorbonne University implements on-premise solution with Nextcloud

  • posted in
  • Blog,
  • Community,
  • Whitepaper,
  • by Mikaela Schneider

Dutch hospital ZGT achieves digital sovereignty with Nextcloud

  • posted in
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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Fabrice Mous

Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning chooses Nextcloud

  • posted in
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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

GDPR compliant collaboration coming to 750K students, teachers and researchers in Sweden

  • posted in
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  • News,
  • Whitepaper,
  • by Mikaela Schneider

Stadtsparkasse Munich facilitates customer data exchange with Nextcloud by HKN

  • posted in
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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Mikaela Schneider

City of Geneva: Deploying Nextcloud to achieve Digital sovereignty

  • posted in
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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

Use Case: SIB delivering Nextcloud to 2500 teachers and 33000 pupils in Brittany, France

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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

Swedish Government: Nextcloud premier digital collaboration platform

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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

15K teachers in Luxembourg start using Nextcloud

  • posted in
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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

German government supports authentication with identity card in Nextcloud

  • posted in
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  • News,
  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

Customer success story: Germany’s public radio and television deploys Nextcloud

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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

Nextcloud and ONLYOFFICE improve user storage mobility and document collaboration in North-West University

  • posted in
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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

DEGES: handling 22 billion worth of complex infrastructure projects

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  • News,
  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

SIB France: Delivering Nextcloud to educational institutions

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  • Press release,
  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

French universities and research organizations get access to Nextcloud

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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

Nextcloud Talk offering secure corporate messaging for SCM LIMITED

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  • Press release,
  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

EU governments choose independence from US cloud providers with Nextcloud

  • posted in
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  • Security,
  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

Nextcloud and HackerOne publish case study

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  • federation,
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  • Press release,
  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

Japan to add millions of new nodes to federated Nextcloud network

  • posted in
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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

Keeping data secure at a globally distributed organization: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung

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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

Case Study: North-West University in South Africa using Nextcloud and Collabora

  • posted in
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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

Next big open source win: Capital of Switzerland moves schools to Nextcloud

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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

A wave of cities all over Europe moving to Nextcloud

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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

German Federal Administration relies on Nextcloud as a secure file exchange solution

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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

One of the organizations behind reporting on the Panama Papers uses Nextcloud

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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

The capital of Albania moves to Nextcloud

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  • Press release,
  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

9 German Educational and Research institutions move to Nextcloud as part of TU Berlin migration, more coming

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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

Veiligheidsregio Brabant-Zuidoost: moving to Nextcloud

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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

3000 users at ucloud4schools migrated to Nextcloud 11 by regio iT

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  • Whitepaper,
  • by Jos Poortvliet

The Danish research and education network moves from ownCloud to Nextcloud

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