Nextcloud Hub

A new generation of online collaboration
that puts you in control.

Nextcloud Hub online collaboration

Powerful collaboration

Content collaboration platforms offer impressive productivity gains but lead to a loss of control over business critical and sensitive data. As a fully on-premises solution, Nextcloud provides the benefits of online collaboration without the compliance and security risks.

One integrated solution

Hub integrates the four key Nextcloud products Files, Talk, Groupware and Office into a single platform, optimizing the flow of collaboration. Eliminate the confusing hodgepodge of different SaaS tools and the compliance, security, cost and productivity issues that come with it and standardize on a single solution with Nextcloud Hub.

Nextcloud Hub 5 Files preview
  • Easy access anywhere
  • Powerful access control
  • Infrastructure integration
  • Designed for humans
Nextcloud Hub 4 Talk preview
  • Group chat
  • Web conferencing
  • Screensharing
  • Unique protection
  • Avoid data leaks
Nextcloud Groupware Calendar Mail Contacts
  • Team planning
  • Email made easy
  • Easy access, anywhere
  • Use your existing apps
Nextcloud Hub 4 Office preview
  • Self-hosted online office
  • View and reply to comments
  • Chat or have a call while editing
  • docx/pptx/xlsx support

Nextcloud Files offers a self-hosted file storage and sync platform with powerful collaboration capabilities with desktop, mobile and web interfaces

Nextcloud Talk delivers on-premises, private audio/video conferencing and text chat through browser and mobile interfaces with integrated screen sharing and SIP integration.

Nextcloud Groupware integrates Calendar, Contacts, Mail and other productivity features to help teams get their work done faster, easier and on your terms.

Nextcloud Office is a powerful LibreOffice-based online office suite with collaborative editing, which supports all major document, spreadsheet and presentation file formats and works in all modern browsers.

Why Nextcloud Hub

  • Run wherever you want: On-Premises or Cloud
  • 100% open source
  • A single, integrated platform
  • Integration in infrastructure
  • Security and encryption
Nextcloud Hub icon
Nextcloud Files
Nextcloud Files
Nextcloud Talk
Nextcloud Talk
Nextcloud Groupware
Nextcloud Groupware
Nextcloud Calendar
Nextcloud Office
Nextcloud Office
Nextcloud email app
Nextcloud Activity
Nextcloud Photos

Nextcloud as
On-Premises or Cloud

Nextcloud can be run in a wide variety of situations, both on-premises and in private or public clouds. Hybrid configurations are also supported.


Running Nextcloud on-premises provides ultimate control over who has access to the data, when and how. No third party access or date exchange to external servers is required. Even a setup physically separated from internet access is possible.

  • 100% control
  • Cost optimized
  • Easy integration with existing infrastructure


The cloud offers unprecedented flexibility and scalability and Nextcloud is designed to fully take advantage of this. Nextcloud can be deployed instantly at a large number of public clouds and a variety of managed services are available. Running on an internal cloud infrastructure is also supported.

  • Fast deployment
  • Ultimate flexibility
  • Choose platform and partner
  • Security & encryption options

A complete platform

What sets Nextcloud apart?

Nextcloud selfhosting

Switching between different tools is more than cumbersome and inefficient: it also increases the chance for mistakes that can result in data leaks.

on-premises collaboration platform

Nextcloud offers the most comprehensive, deeply integrated on-premises collaboration platform on the market, replacing dozens of other tools.

Nextcloud all-in-one solution

Having a complete, all-in-one solution simplifies the IT infrastructure for both users and the IT team, improving productivity and security.

  • Secure file exchange within and between organizations
  • Collaborative editing of docx, xlsx and more
  • File versioning, restore and retention control
  • Commenting on files, adding notes to share links
  • Integrated chat and secure audio-video calls
  • Calendar, mail and task management tools
  • Comprehensive set of security capabilities

Stay in touch

Reduce risk, improve citizen communication and reduce
operational expenses with the leading content collaboration platform.
Contact us now to learn how we can help you!